Taking the 'Sloppy' Out of a Sloppy 'Joe' at Your AFC

Taking the ‘Sloppy’ Out of a Sloppy ‘Joe’ at Your AFC:

Tips to Improve Staff Performance

Sloppy joes, sloppy nachos, and sloppy dogs may be tasty treats, but a sloppy ‘Joe’—an employee who doesn’t take their job seriously—can wreak havoc in your Adult Foster Care (AFC) facility. From increased citations to a decline in the quality of care provided to residents, the repercussions of poor staff performance can be significant. However, with the right strategies and systems in place, you can transform your staff’s work ethic and ensure take some of the sloppy out of staff’s work at your adult foster care community. 

  1. Create a Clear Training Program: A critical step in eliminating the ‘sloppy’ is providing your staff with a clear understanding of their responsibilities and the proper way to execute them. A well-structured training program equips employees with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their roles when opening and operating adult foster care homes. This results in a more confident and competent staff, reducing the likelihood of errors and sloppy work.

  2. Know Your Staff and What Motivates Them: In a time when finding caregivers is hard and turnover is high, getting to know your staff can help increase staff retention at your facility. Knowing your caregivers – what makes them tick, and what motivates them – gives you the opportunity to reward and gift in a way that matters. When staff feels like they matter, their work is less sloppy.

  3. Weekly One-on-One Meetings: Regular communication is key to maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce. Implement 30 minute weekly one-on-one meetings between managers and staff members. Providing a dedicated space to discuss accomplishments, challenges, and support needed fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens the bond between management and staff. Increased meaningful contact with your employees increases retention and decreases sloppiness.

Additional Solutions for a Better Night’s Sleep:

Maybe ‘sloppy’ staff is not an issue at your facility, but you struggle with other things:

  • Finding, hiring, and retaining staff.
  • Making enough money to pay yourself, your staff and cover overhead with a profit.
  • Preventing frustrations of resident admissions due to lack of information.
  • Or more…


If any of these concerns plague you and keep you up at night, Care Provider Solutions can provide the support and expertise you need at your residential assisted living home. As an Adult Foster Care System Specialist, we can help you implement the strategies and systems so you can sleep better at night. Set Up Your First Free Appointment to learn how.