Filling Open Bed Tips at your AFC licensed facility

Filling Open Beds – Tips for Success

Possibly you are one of many Adult Foster Care (AFC) operators who struggle with keeping beds full. The stress of unpaid bills due to open beds while still providing care is overwhelming. You need answers to fill the open beds.

Maybe your organization is the opposite. There is a steady stream of referrals and your Adult Foster Care Community beds are full. Great care is also taken to ensure a resident fits the “personality” of the home. You may like more marketing options to create a waiting list of those who are a good fit when a bed becomes available.

After speaking with Rich Nollen, Healthcare Marketing Specialist for Branding and Strategy with Innovare HP, he outlined 3 steps to take to bring awareness to your AFC home. Also, to fill open beds, create a waiting list, and have options of residents who fit your residential assisted living home “personality”.

  1. Set up a Google Business Page

Google is the starting point for many people to find answers to questions. Create a Google business page for your facility so people can find you quickly, read reviews, and access your website.

A Google Business Page is also FREE. If case managers, family members, or guardians are searching for placement in an adult foster care home, they can find you easily, and you will have more referrals to consider.

  1. Social Media

Whether you love it or hate it, social media is a tool that will set your organization up for visibility and attract potential residents to your organization.

A LinkedIn business page and Facebook business page posts bring awareness about who and what your organization offers.

In addition, they give you a platform to post activities, care packages, and find potential staff to work in the home.

  1. Website

Very often, families, guardians, and case managers take to the web to look for company websites to find placement options when the need is great.

Simple keywords and a page that features your company’s mission, core values, and the types of populations you serve set your organization up for a larger audience to contact you.

Add a few pictures showing off your home, staff, and fun activities to increase the likelihood of a call for a tour.

Additional Support

Maybe you already have some of these suggestions in place and still struggle with filling open beds. Maybe you need support to get started. Reach out to Rich at Innovare HP for his expert advice.

Looking for other ideas? Download our newly revised “How To Fill Open Beds” Free Resource.

If filling open beds is not a concern but you have others that keep you up at night, Care Provider Solutions can provide the support and expertise you need. As an Adult Foster Care System Specialist, we will walk alongside you to help you implement the strategies and systems to re-energize you and take you to the next level.

Take the first step by completing our assessment for personalized support

  • Regain your sanity
  • Create an action plan
  • Re-energize


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