Care Provider Solutions

AFC Financial & Administration Management

Pay staff better for more consistent care for your residents

Give yourself a raise

Generate excess income to cover home maintenance and rising costs

About This Course

This course is designed to give you the tools you need to assess residents properly for admission, increase and create income and a profit at your AFC Home to reduce stress and accomplish your goals. This course is currently offered as a Mentor Lead Course (online course coming soon).

You probably got into AFC residential assisted living to make a difference in people’s lives but you also need to know how to run the business. This includes assessing care needs properly and knowing what to charge to cover the bills and make a living. This course will reduce anxiety, stress, and the feeling of panic associated with creating an income and a profit at your adult foster care home to enhance your life, your staff’s lives, and the lives of the residents in your homes.

Recognize Opportunities

You DO have a say in how much Community of Mental Health organizations authorize for daily rates of care. You don't have to settle for what they offer. Learn how with this course.

Operate with Confidence

Know your own worth! Sleep better at night knowing you are charging rates that reflect the care needs of your residents and the quality of care you give to them. We will teach you how.

Implement Efficient Systems

Save wasted time and reduce frustration. Learn the process to admit residents that are a good fit for your homes and within the skill set of your staff.

What You’ll Learn

Being in business is tough.

It doesn’t have to be this hard!

Whether you are experienced or new to owning an AFC, this course is for you if…

  • You desire more growth
  • You struggle with making enough profit
  • Staff quits due to improper assessments
  • You want to sell a profitable business someday
  • You want to shorten your learning curve
  • You value continuing education and improvement
  • You are tired of CMH organizations dictating your rates

Meet your coach

Nadine Carlson-Adult Foster Care System Specialist Consultant

Nadine Carlson

Co-Founder and Consultant for Care Provider Solutions.

My passion is to help owners and operators reduce the stress associated with running and operating Specialized Licensed Adult Foster Care homes. I truly understand how overwhelming running an AFC home and providing care can be, because of the years of experience I gained running my own. Those 12 years of experience running award-winning homes have given me an in-depth understanding of many common issues AFC residential assisted living homes face, including How to Make Money and a Profit.

Many homes in the AFC industry are closing because of improper funding. I will use my insights to guide you to run profitable homes so you can focus on enriching and enhancing your life, your staff lives and the lives of the residents in your homes.

Invest in your success

This course is currently taught as a mentor led course and will be available online soon!

Coach Led


*Plus travel fees, if applicable


Coming Soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t find the answer to your question below, reach out to us and we’ll happily help you find the answer!

Care Provider Solutions courses are for any AFC Owner, CFO, AFC Director of Operations, Director of Admissions, or House Facility Manager operating one or more adult foster care facilities.

Have you ever said, “I have too many things to work on, I don’t have time to work on this”?

  • Let us train a manager for you! Give yourself more time to work on other things or….gasp….retire someday!
  • Maybe you are responsible for both Administration and providing care. You are a rock star! Let us fine tune your skills to make more money and a profit.
  • Maybe you are new to the industry and have never run a AFC Licensed Home. Our course will set you up for financial success.

If you value learning and continuous improvement for both you and your staff, this course will benefit your organization.

Care Provider Solutions terms and conditions policy,  includes HIPAA rules to protect the residents’ confidentiality.

If you’re like most adult foster care home owners, you started your business because you wanted to…

  • Provide better quality care than other places.
  • You were born to make a difference in people’s lives.
  • Work for yourself. You wanted to build an adult foster care community on your own terms so you could live life on your own terms.

But now that your business is up and running, you’re stuck in an endless cycle of tasks.

The “big dream” feels more like a big burden that keeps you up at night.

How can you start enjoying the fruits of your labor – instead of just “laboring” all the time?

Well… you know how to make money, but is it enough to accomplish your goals?

That’s what AFC Financial and Administration Management is designed to help you do.

Whether you are new to the adult foster care industry or are an experienced owner/operator, we can help. We know the frustration of not having enough time in a day to get everything done.

Your time is short and precious. Let us shorten the learning curve so you experience more financial success sooner. For experienced owners/operators, let us save a valuable resource, time, to maximize your financial success.

We provide on-site training at no additional cost for locations within 60 miles of Grand Rapids, MI. Very often we will gather around the kitchen table or a staff office at your AFC Home. If you prefer, some AFC owners have chosen to reserve a room at a local library to train all staff at the same time.

If you’re more than 60 miles away from Grand Rapids, MI, transportation fees will be added. If transportation fees concern you, no worries, we can provide live virtual mentor led training for your team. Your course materials will be sent ahead of time.


Hear how Care Provider Solutions training impacted partnered residential assisted living homes, relieving their stress.

Get free resources

At Care Provider Solutions we’re here to help you succeed!

These downloadable free resources are a great place to start if you haven’t taken the “How to Make Money and A Profit” Mentor Led Course yet.

Invest in your success

The time is now to benefit from “How to Make Money and A Profit at Your AFC”.

Looking for more?

Care Provider Solutions offers a variety of courses tailored to the most common pain points of new and experienced AFC owners. Check out these additional courses to help you succeed.