Care Provider Solutions Adult Foster Care and Residential Assisted Living (RAL) System Specialist

Your voice is critical in urging lawmakers to increase last year’s $.85 per hour increase to a higher amount. This increase is necessary to improve retention of our caregivers supporting adults and individuals with disabilities in AFC Homes.

We urge you to take action to advocate for another hourly increase in the 2024-25 fiscal year budget.

Call to action for DCW (direct care worker) wage increase

The need for caregivers in residential assisted living homes is growing throughout the State. In this competitive workforce, an additional supplement to increase adult foster care group homes staff pay is needed.

Unfortunately, the Michigan House and Senate Health and Human Services budgets for FY 2025, released in late April, do not include an additional wage increase for DCWs.

As the backbone of the behavioral health system, caregivers deserve wages that reflect their skills and contributions. 

Despite consistent advocacy from the DCW Wage Coalition over the past six years, and some successes in previous budgets, starting wages for DCWs still fall short of $16/hour.

Your help is needed

The Governor’s Executive Budget recommendations for FY 2025 maintain the $.85 per hour increase from last year but do not prioritize an additional wage increase for DCWs.

We need your help to ensure Michigan leaders understand that caregivers cannot be overlooked! 

We have until the end of June to influence the final budget for next year. Many caregivers leave the industry to take other opportunities to better support themselves and their families. Take action so they can continue to provide care and support the vulnerable.

What you can do

  1. Email Campaign: Participate in this one-click email campaign to urge your lawmakers to include a $4/hour wage increase for DCWs in the FY 2025 budget: Direct Care Workers Can’t Be Ignored!
  2. Social Media Toolkit: Click on this toolkit link to share posts and short videos about your experience and the need for increased DCW wages.
  3. Lawmakers’ Coffee Hours: Attend your lawmaker’s next coffee hour in May or June to personally advocate for DCWs’ wage increases. Find out the locations here

Please help and act now to support DCWs!

For more information, visit DCW Michigan.

Thank you for all you do as AFC owners and operators to make a difference. At Care Provider Solutions, your adult foster care system specialist, we will continue to support you and your organizations to help you succeed through education and advocacy.