Senior Living is better when there are activities.

AFC Home, Community Activities and Transportation Options

Short staffing and lack of desire for all of the residents in an adult foster care home to participate in the community make it difficult to meet the desires and the activities goal of residents that want to keep busy. Not only are those concerns hard to overcome, sometimes finding staff to transport residents to activities to overcome boredom and meet adult foster care community inclusion goals is difficult. 

Are you looking for something fresh and new to engage your residents to help your residents thrive in Kent County and surrounding counties in Michigan? Do you wish you knew of organizations that can help? What about transportation? 

At Care Provider Solutions we understand this difficulty. We have found in-home and community activities as well as transportation options in Kent and surrounding MI counties to resolve these concerns.  

Residential Assisted Living is more enriching when there are activities.

Why do activities matter?

Lack of activities in a home providing senior care or foster care for adults with disabilities can contribute to resident agitation and depression. Sometimes, sleepless nights are also a result.

Creating an active environment at adult residential homes and providing enjoyable activities can cause a reduction in resident anxiety and foster dignity. Activities also provide the benefit of  maintaining physical function, reducing cognitive decline and improving your residents quality of life.  

If you desire for your residents to have more in home and in the community opportunities as well as transportation options to get them there, click on this free download.


How can Care Provider Solutions help?

Running your AFC Home can feel difficult at times, but it doesn’t have to.

At Care Provider Solutions, not only do we provide resources to enrich the lives of your residents, we also help make the puzzle of operating an AFC business simple.   

Contact us for a free adult foster care home business consulting appointment to see how we can help create processes at your organization to run more efficiently, profitably, and with less stress.